
Goal 1: No Poverty

Jobs and value chain community centred economic opportunities created in the extractives sector, tourism, blue economy and agribusiness. Offering customized and dedicated VIREC integrated local supplier development trainings and business linkages


Goal 2: Zero Hunger

Jobs and value chain community centred economic opportunities created in extractives sector, tourism, blue economy and agribusiness. Offering customized and dedicated VIREC integrated local supplier development trainings and business linkages


Goal 3: Good Health and Wellbeing

Responsible environmental conscious mining activities protecting communities and workers from potential hazards. Environmental safety early warning early response community led integrated solutions.


Goal 4: Quality Education

Skills development and general capacity building requisite for the target sectors: extractives, tourism, blue economy and agribusiness. Improving household income sources to afford family educational needs.


Goal 5: Gender Equality

Creating a conducive environment for equal participation and access to socio economic opportunities by both male and female members of the societies. A more enabling environment for both male and female members of the society to participate in public participation processes, capacity building and general access to socio economic opportunities.

Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

Protection of wetlands in the midst of extractives projects and other major investments by both the private sector and government, ensuring water sources are not contaminated by mining processes, manufacturing and general industrial processes. Ensuring responsible use of water sources for industrial uses, agribusiness ventures. Investing in sanitation facilities and related solutions as part of tourism revival, diversification and expansion plans. Environmental safety early warning early response community led integrated solutions.

Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy

Consideration for solar power to drive community water projects and agribusiness ventures. Exploring opportunities to create energy solutions from bio gradable waste including innovative solutions to minimise or eliminate use of firewood.


Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

Jobs and value chain community centred economic opportunities created and enabled in extractives sector, tourism, blue economy and agribusiness. Customized and dedicated VIREC integrated local supplier development trainings and business linkages

Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Focusing on production of raw materials and value addition infrastructure that supports industrialisation and optimisation of opportunities in the extractives sector, tourism, blue economy and agribusiness. Aligning Industry and Infrastructure development goals with respective County Spatial Plans, supported by the CIDPs and County Annual Development Plans. VIREC Business innovations and incubation – ECOPRO circular economy community led initiatives.


Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities

Mitigating general marginalisation and economic exclusion factors. Dedicated approaches and effort to uplift youths, women and people living with disabilities.


Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

Aligning County Spatial Plans, County Integrated Development Plans and County Annual Budget Plans to achieve sustainable cities and communities. Environmental safety and security early warning early response community centred integrated solutions.


Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

Responsible and accountable industrial production processes. Mitigating abuse of drugs and managing food wastages. Environmental safety and security early warning early response community centred integrated solutions.


Goal 13: Climate Action

ECOPRO Integrated and Sustainable Environmental Community Centred Solutions. Environmental safety and security early warning early response community centred integrated solutions.


Goal 14: Life below Water

ECOPRO Integrated and Sustainable Environmental Community Led Solutions. Environmental safety and security early warning early response community centred integrated solutions.


Goal 15: Life on Land

ECOPRO Integrated and Sustainable Environmental Community Led Solutions. Environmental safety and security early warning early response community centred integrated solutions.


Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Enhancing participatory policy formulation processes through strengthened civic engagement spaces, the county assemblies, national parliament and senate. Safeguarding basic human rights in each of the development sectors of interest. Addressing marginalisation and economic exclusion of communities to avoid community investor conflicts and to build resilience against economic violent extremism push pull factors. Taking action against corruption and other forms of bad governance including gender violence, nepotism and favouritism in awarding jobs, procurement opportunities and development projects.


Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals

Harmonisation of county government plans with national government plans (intergovernmental relations). Promoting inter sector collaborations and synergies. Promoting and facilitating private – public sector partnerships. Creating an enabling environment for local and international development stakeholders’ collaborations and partnerships.